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Could Commercial Automation Save Your Business?


Commercial automation looks and feels impressive, but did you know it also substantially impacts a company’s revenue? We know you might not want to turn your Maui, HI office into a fully automated enterprise right away. However, we encourage you to keep reading this blog and then decide if implementing even one automation at a time could revitalize your business.

Whether you’re considering changing your lighting, temperature controls or security, we can suggest some energy-saving options that will help you invest your resources back into your business or employees.

SEE ALSO: How Automation Can Improve Your Hotel and Make Guests Happier

More Responsible Lighting

LED light sources, which power automated, tunable lighting, use 75 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs. Lighting type alone affect significant savings, but barely scratches the surface of your potential.

Smart lighting, with remote access capabilities, ensures that you can turn lights off and on when you need to, regardless of your location. We prefer  Lutron lights and shades for their functionalities and design.

Light-sensitive switches or switches with automatic timers can deactivate lights during the day when it’s bright outside, avoiding electrical waste and saving the effort needed to power them down manually. Similarly, motorized shades have smart sensors that adjust automatically depending on the light entering the room. We realize that Hawaii doesn’t suffer the cold winters like much of the continental U.S., but these shades shut cool, drafty air outside so that your office heater doesn’t have to work as hard — which brings us to our next point.

Smarter Heat and AC Control

Heating and air conditioning account for nearly half of a building’s energy costs, and that matters so much more in a larger space than in a home. Most offices have several rooms that go unoccupied for months on end: Think of how much energy you’re wasting when heating those rooms!

As the business owner, you have control from your smartphone and can check the building when you’re away. On the Nest thermostat, you’ll get a comprehensive view of which rooms are using energy and future savings opportunities. More importantly, you can adjust the heat from anywhere, or turn it off completely.

Automated Audio and Video

Many offices today use video displays, presentation screens, TVs and audio throughout for productivity of employee experience. Open offices, especially, often use a lot of screens to display stats and info, like company announcements, to passersby.

All this blending of work and entertainment looks dazzling on the surface, but it costs company resources and energy. A CNET study showed that sizeable LED TVs’ utilities cost about $25 per year, so if you have multiple TVs that consume energy by running or wasting standby power, you’re spending a small fortune. Automated your entire AV system with a complete solution like Control4, and a trusted employee can press one button and power off all the audio and video equipment.

Ready to see the benefits commercial automation can bring to your business? Call our office at (808) 874-8019, contact us online, or chat with us using the box on the bottom right.

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